
(1976 WB1 )
NOW @ 19 LEO 37

Discovery Chart

18.11.1976 00:00 El Leoncito 69w20 31s48 observations 1

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Named in memory of Jorge Bobone (1901–1958), some time director of the Córdoba Observatory, well known for his work on the orbits of comets, minor planets and the satellites of Jupiter. His investigation on the orbit of P/Halley for the 1986 return was unfinished at his death. He also participated in astrometric programs and recovered P/Encke and P/Kopff at their returns in 1931 and 1932, respectively. (M 11156) _ _.

Avastatud: 18-11-1976 Avastamiskoht: El Leoncito Avastajad: Felix Aguilar Observatory

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Kategooriad: Astronoomid,