
Radical love and deja vu, Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

30 Mar 2023, 09:21 pm

You may be feeling a very strong DejaVu March 30 as Venus conjunct wild Uranus again at the same exact degree oJune 11 2022. What was going on in your life at that time? What suddenly began can just as suddenly break apart now

Venus, the planet associated with love, women, the divine feminine, relationships, money, beauty, luxury and the arts, and Uranus, planet of freedom, revolution, chaos, digital media and invention meet today at 16+ Taurus.

Expect a lot of crazy and you won’t be disappointed. Crazy love, crazy values, crazy energies, crazy stock market, crazy real estate, crazy art, crazy cryptocurrency markets too.

Earthquakes, wild weather, explosions, electrical outages are possible 

If you have planets at 16+ Taurus plus or minute 4 degrees-12-20°, you will feel the bullish on love vibe.

Plus any planets square to this at 12-20° #Leo or same degrees of Aquarius and opposing degrees in Scorpio-you’re going to be getting the full horned brunt.

Staying Stubbornly fixed to one spot on anything in the midst of a charging bull is not recommended.

Watch out for those red flags! 

Venus rules Taurus and she has the last say. Listen to your intuition and your gut instincts and speak your truth to get over the fear of what people might say.

It’s very sensuous and wild earthy bullish animalistic shamanistic energy.

Use this energy positively to Innovate, redecorate, get a beauty makeover, redo your wardrobe. Get into a creative frenzy. Let yourself trust your bodily knowing and instincts.

Try new massages, and sexy toys, new freedom in sexual roles and ways. 

Break out of old stuck habits and routines, explore your sensuality.

Yes your body may be weird but love it’s quirkiness.

The Omega and Chandra symbols for 17 #Taurus gives further insights, by

– John Sandbach
— Read on johnsandbach.net/d17-taurus/

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene except John Sandbach’s. Get a reading

http://www.taratarot.comTara Greene tarot astrology psychic consultant

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