
Emotional insights and Release

24 Jul 2021, 12:18 pm

July 24 the Aquarius Full moon’s energies linger and remain in Aquarius until late on the 25th.Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces At the Magical master numbers 22°

These two positively aspected planets Bring intuitive insights into long forgotten emotional and family issues gestating in the soul and unconscious, not just from your childhood but from past lives too.

Remember that Mercury in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces are always wanting to nurture and rescue others. The song Emotional Rescue by the Rolling Stones comes to mind. This aspect is about receiving. Open yourself up to heal yourself now as everybody’s wounds you see outside of you are projections of your own inner wounds. We are all all PTSD, ‘it’s a fact of being born a human in this hard Saturnian 🪐 world.

July 25 as Mercury opposes Pluto in Capricorn you can excavate even further into the unconscious realms on a more physical and visceral way. Remember that the body holds all the emotional and pre-verbal, pre-intellectual programming of the child.

Neptune rules the 12th house of the Unconscious, as does Pluto the Lord of the Underworld, the land of shades or shadows. This is the realm of the the ancestors and their knowledge and wisdom. Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune are sextile (60 degree aspect) to each other. We can access our unconscious ancestral knowledge in visions, meditation, dreams and in our bones. This is an incredible time to heal so many old toxic emotional wounds.

The Full Moon is a time of completion. Bring those strong emotions up, weep and wail as you must, get them all up and out and release them. Remember you were innocent. Record these by writing in a journal.

Aromatherapy, is a wonderful tool to help in processing emotional issues, used by the ancients. Using “forgive” a DoTerra blend is recommended. Remember you do not have to rush into forgiving anyone. If you would like to purchase this contact me. Cleansing with a healing full moon bath is recommended.

Brain fog is one literal expression of this energy. If you feel like ” nothing is real, ” like John Lennon of The Beatles song Strawberry Fields’s Forever, then “nothing to get hung up about” is also the answer. Let it all float downstream. This is also a great time to let creativity flow, tapping into the great stream of collective unconscious energy.

Meditation, visualization and affirmations with full emotions behind them can create miraculous results. Pay attention to you dreams tonight.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. Get a reading http://www.taratarot.com Tara Greene, Tarot, Astrology Psychic Consultant

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