
(3365 T-2 )
NOW @ 6 PIS 24

Discovery Chart

25.9.1973 00:00 Palomar 116w51 33n21 observations 1

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Named after the Greek comic poet Antiphanes (408–330 B.C.). Today 119 complete titles and about 300 fragments are known. He wrote parodies of Sophocles, Euripides {see planets  (2921) and  (2930), respectively} and many different characters and professions. (M 34346) _ _.

Avastatud: 25-9-1973 Avastamiskoht: Palomar Avastajad: van Houten, C. J., van Houten-Groeneveld, I., Gehrels, T.

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Kategooriad: Ajaloolised isikud,