
(1991 SL1 )
NOW @ 13 SCO 49

Discovery Chart

30.9.1991 00:00 Kitami 143e47 43n46 observations 1

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Named in honor of Yukio Miyamoto (1921– ), who has contributed much to the popularization of astronomy and took part in establishing the Kumamoto Astronomical Society in 1968. He studied mirror-making under Jiro Hoshino {see planet  (3828)} and in 1971 became the first amateur to make a Wright-Schmidt telescope. He was central to the establishment in 1982 of the society’s observatory, the Kumamoto Civil Astronomical Observatory. (M 26930) _ _.

Avastatud: 30-9-1991 Avastamiskoht: Kitami Avastajad: Endate, K., Watanabe, K.

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