
(1982 BU1 )
NOW @ 17 SAG 37

Discovery Chart

30.1.1982 00:00 Anderson Mesa 111w32 35n5 observations 1

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Named in honor of Ernest A. Beet {1904–1997}, a member of the British Astronomical Association for half of its existence. Having served in various capacities on the B.A.A.’s council between 1946 and 1987, notably as president during 1962–1964 and for twelve years as secretary, he still attends the London meetings. A schoolteacher by profession, Beet has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of astronomy education in England and has been heavily involved in the B.A.A. education committee. He has written several popular books, including The Teaching of Astronomy in Schools (1948). (M 17222) _ _.

Avastatud: 30-1-1982 Avastamiskoht: Anderson Mesa Avastajad: Bowell, E.

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Kategooriad: Toidud, Lääne perekonnanimed,