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NOW @ 9 PIS 22

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17.3.1852 00:00 Naples 24e45 59n26 observations 0

<< prev in category - Kreeka ja Rooma mütoloogia - next in category >>

Named after the nymph whom Cupid married. Venus put her to death because she had robbed the world of her son; but Jupiter at the request of Cupid granted immortality to Psyche. The word signified “the soul” which she personifies. (H 3) _ _.

Avastatud: 17-3-1852 Avastamiskoht: Naples Avastajad: de Gasparis, A.

ORBITS | AstDys | Wikipedia | Dictionary | UrbanDictionary | Bartleby | Webster | Name Source | Mythica
Kategooriad: Kreeka ja Rooma mütoloogia,