
(1989 AC7 )
NOW @ 19 SAG 42

Discovery Chart

10.1.1989 00:00 Tautenburg 11e43 50n59 observations 1

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Named for the German scientist, statesman and promoter of the arts Bernhard August von Lindenau (1779–1854). From 1808 to 1819, he was the director of the Seeberg {see planet  (8130)} Observatory. He communicated closely with contemporaries such as Goethe, A. von Humboldt, von Zach, Gauss and Bessel {see, respectively, planets  (3047),  (4877),  (999),  (1001) and  (1552)}. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, he fostered the founding of several astronomical periodicals. Lindenau was a member of numerous renowned European academies. From 1830 to 1843, he served as a high public official in the Kingdom of Saxony. He donated his art collection, including a unique collection of early Italian panel paintings, to his hometown of Altenburg {see planet  (9336)} to be displayed in the Lindenau Museum. (M 33795) _ _.

Avastatud: 10-1-1989 Avastamiskoht: Tautenburg Avastajad: Borngen, F.

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Kategooriad: FF, Western Family Names,