
(1997 FR1 )
NOW @ 4 AQU 10

Discovery Chart

27.3.1997 00:00 Martigues 24e45 59n26 observations 1

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Named in honor of the French “Association des Utilisateurs de Detecteurs Electroniques” (Electronic Detectors User’ Association). Founded by Christian Buil and Alain Maury {see, respectively, planets  (6820) and  (3780)} with the aim of assisting amateur astronomers in the use of electronic detectors, the organization is now heavily involved with the discovery and follow-up of solar-system objects and photometry of supernovae. (M 33794) _ _.

Avastatud: 27-3-1997 Avastamiskoht: Martigues Avastajad: Morata, D., Morata, S.

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Kategooriad: Astronomy orgs,