(1988 BM5 )
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28.1.1988 00:00 Siding Spring 149e3 31s16 observations 1

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Named after the U.K. Schmidt Telescope Unit at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh and the 1.2-m U.K. Schmidt Telescope at Siding Spring. In association with ESO, UKSTU has been undertaking a multicolor survey and atlas of the southern sky since operations commenced in 1973. The high quality and faint limits of the survey material resulted in major discoveries in the morphology of galaxies. A significant proportion of quasars with redshifts greater than 4 were discovered in UKSTU material. Other programs utilizing the telescope include the UCAS survey for faint minor planets and the LUKAS survey extending to even fainter limits. The discovery images of this minor planet and those subsequently identified at earlier oppositions were all on 1.2-m U.K. Schmidt plates archived at Siding Spring and Edinburgh. In June 1988 control of the telescope passed from ROE to the Anglo-Australian Observatory. (M 15261) _ _.

Avastatud: 28-1-1988 Avastamiskoht: Siding Spring Avastajad: McNaught, R. H.

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