
(1986 VB6 )
NOW @ 23 LEO 44

Discovery Chart

6.11.1986 00:00 Anderson Mesa 111w32 35n5 observations 1

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Named for the Perth Observatory in recognition of its many notable contributions to astronomy. These have included the Perth 70 catalogue, co-discovery of the rings of Uranus, and extensive work on Comet Halley during both its 1910 and 1986 apparition. Founded in 1896 on Mount Eliza, overlooking the city of Perth, Western Australia, the observatory initially undertook timekeeping, weather reporting and seismographic monitoring, as well as telescopic observations for such programs as the Carte du Ciel and the Astrographic Catalogue. City expansion and a need for darker skies led to a move to the Darling Range, east of Perth, in 1965. Current work includes astrometry and photometry of solar system objects, particularly minor planets and comets. (M 14972) _ _.

Avastatud: 6-11-1986 Avastamiskoht: Anderson Mesa Avastajad: Bowell, E.

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