
(1967 GF1 )
NOW @ 0 PIS 6

Discovery Chart

11.4.1967 00:00 Tautenburg 11e43 50n59 observations 1

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Named for the venerable town, 30 km from Tautenburg {see planet  (2424)}, renowned for its contributors (Goethe, Schiller {see planets  (3047) and  (3079)} and others) to ‘classical’ German literature around the end of the eighteenth century and the home of several famous musicians and painters. The town is also known for the Weimar Republic (1919) and the Weimar Constitution. (M 12017) _ _.

Avastatud: 11-4-1967 Avastamiskoht: Tautenburg Avastajad: Borngen, F.

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Kategooriad: Cities,