
(1982 JA )
NOW @ 0 ARI 59

Discovery Chart

15.5.1982 00:00 Bologna 11e28 44n22 observations 1

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Named for the city near Bologna, famous for its beautiful bell-tower Ghirlandia, the Romanesque cathedral Duomo, and the military academy that was formerly the royal palace of the Estensi, the dynasty that governed the city until 1859. Modena was the home of the astronomers Montanari (1633–1687), Amici (1786–1863) {see planet  (3809)} and Bianchi (1791–1866). It is also the birthplace and residence of Ermes Colombini, an amateur astronomer of the group at the Osservatorio San Vittore {see planet  (2235)} in Bologna. (M 10549) _ _.

Avastatud: 15-5-1982 Avastamiskoht: Bologna Avastajad: Osservatorio San Vittore

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Kategooriad: Cities,