(1974 MH )
NOW @ 19 LEO 8

Discovery Chart

17.6.1974 00:00 El Leoncito 69w20 31s48 observations 1

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Named in honor of the Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar {see also planet  (1800)}, established on 1953 Sept. 28 under the auspices of the National San Juan University in San Juan province, Argentina. OAFA has made important contributions to astronomy in the areas of meridian and extrameridian astrometry. Since 1974 the observing station at El Leoncito {see planet  (2311)}, operated in collaboration with Yale University and now known as the Dr. Carlos U. Cesco Observatory, has been a branch of OAFA. (M 19333) _ _.

Avastatud: 17-6-1974 Avastamiskoht: El Leoncito Avastajad: Felix Aguilar Observatory

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