
(1969 VW )
NOW @ 23 LIB 0

Discovery Chart

11.11.1969 00:00 Nauchnyj 34e1 44n32 observations 1

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Named in honor of Evald Rudolfovich Mustel’ {1911–1988}, chairman of the Astronomical Council of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, editor of the Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, and a vice-president of the IAU during 1970–1976. His research activities involve several aspects of solar and stellar physics and the correlation of geophysical phenomena and solar activity. (M 7617) _ _.

Avastatud: 11-11-1969 Avastamiskoht: Nauchnyj Avastajad: Chernykh, L. I.

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Kategooriad: Russian,