
(1991 TB5 )
NOW @ 3 SAG 24

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5.10.1991 00:00 Tautenburg 11e43 50n59 observations 1

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The Amati family of violin makers worked in Cremona in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, establishing the renowned “Cremoneser School”. The best known member was Niccolo Amati (1596–1684), the teacher of Guarneri and Stradivari {see planets  (19185) and  (19189), respectively}. The Amatis created a type of violin that is still effective today. (M 42677) _ _.

Avastatud: 5-10-1991 Avastamiskoht: Tautenburg Avastajad: Borngen, F., Schmadel, L. D.

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