(1953 RB )
NOW @ 29 CAN 1

Discovery Chart

1.9.1953 00:00 Uccle 4e21 50n48 observations 1

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This planet is named in honor of the Naval Ordnance Research Calculator at Dahlgren, Virginia. This was the most powerful electronic calculator ever built up to the time the planet was named. It was conceived by Mr. Byron Havens and developed at the Watson Scientific Computation Laboratory under the direction of Dr. W. J. Eckert {see planet  (1750)}. The NORC has already served to provide a vast amount of computations of minor planet orbits, and it is to be expected that more will follow. This has been made possible through the assistance of the Naval Proving Grounds, the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation. (M 1591) _ _.

Avastatud: 1-9-1953 Avastamiskoht: Uccle Avastajad: Arend, S. J.

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