Ceske Budejovice

(1996 XO2 )
NOW @ 22 CAP 33

Discovery Chart

4.12.1996 00:00 Klet 14e17 48n53 observations 1

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Ceské Budějovice {see also planet  (2524)} is the historic, cultural, educational, industrial and administrative center of south Bohemia. Originally known as Budiwoyz or Budoywiz, the German form of which is Budweis, the city is famous for its beer. There is an observatory in the city, and the Kleť Observatory is situated on nearby Kleť mountain. (M 36950) _ _.

Avastatud: 4-12-1996 Avastamiskoht: Klet Avastajad: Tichy, M., Moravec, Z.

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