
(1996 YU2 )
NOW @ 15 LEO 24

Discovery Chart

28.12.1996 00:00 Ondrejov 14e47 49n55 observations 1

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Named in honor of František Kozelský (b. 1913), a Czech telescope maker well-known for his work in collaboration with V. Gajdušek. Kozelský made a set of unique fine-mechanics tools that allowed Gajdušek to produce a number of telescope mirrors, resulting finally in the production of six excellent 0.6-m mirrors, two of them now used at the Ondřejov and the Kleť observatories in telescopes devoted to observations of minor planets. Kozelský also made a series of eight 0.2-m refracting telescopes, twenty 0.3-m reflecting telescopes, and several coelostats for small observatories in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Name proposed by the discoverers, following a suggestion by C. Polášek.

Avastatud: 28-12-1996 Avastamiskoht: Ondrejov Avastajad: Wolf, M., Sarounova, L.

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Kategooriad: Slaavi perekonnanimed,