
(1913 RG )
NOW @ 9 SAG 17

Discovery Chart

28.4.1913 00:00 Vienna 16e20 48n14 observations 1

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Named very probably in remembrance of Oskar Ruben von Rothschild (1888–1909), the youngest son of Baron Albert von Rothschild {see planet  (719)}. The reconstruction and improvement of the telescope drive of the so-called Rothschild Coudé Telescope of the Vienna Observatory was payed by the Oskar Freiherr von Rothschild-Stiftung in 1913. (A. Schnell) _ _.

Avastatud: 28-4-1913 Avastamiskoht: Vienna Avastajad: Palisa, J.

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Kategooriad: Eesnimed,