
(1992 SQ2 )
NOW @ 7 LEO 58

Discovery Chart

20.9.1992 00:00 Wrightwood 24e45 59n26 observations 1

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Named in recognition and appreciation of the Orange County Astronomers, a non-profit, public-service organization that has served the southern California area for more than 20 years. The group has conducted public star parties, telescope making classes, observing classes and public lectures. It has been, and continues to be, a valuable resource to the community and to fledgling astronomers through the efforts of its dedicated members. (M 27331) _ _.

Avastatud: 20-9-1992 Avastamiskoht: Wrightwood Avastajad: Child, J. B., Fisch, G.

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Kategooriad: Astronoomia organisatsioonid,