
(1976 GH2 )
NOW @ 26 CAN 42

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1.4.1976 00:00 Nauchnyj 34e1 44n32 observations 1

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Named in honor of Aleksandr Leonidovich Zajtsev (1945– ), staff member of the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics, noted expert on radar observations of the planets. Under his leadership, observations of (4179) Toutatis were successfully carried out in December 1992 using the Evpatorian planetary radar, Crimea, as the signal transmitter and the radio telescope in Effelsberg, Germany, as the receiver of the radar echo from the minor planet’s surface. Zajtsev is also responsible for initiating the world’s first intercontinental radar astronomy experiment, Goldstone to Evpatoria observations of (6489) 1991 JX {now (6489) Golevka} in June 1995. (M 25445) _ _.

Avastatud: 1-4-1976 Avastamiskoht: Nauchnyj Avastajad: Chernykh, N. S.

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