
(1976 SJ )
NOW @ 3 TAU 37

Discovery Chart

20.9.1976 00:00 Kvistaberg 17e36 59n30 observations 1

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Named for Mats Lindgren of Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, whose research into Jupiter’s role in shaping the fate of comets led to spectacular results, in particular relating to the evolution and demise of comet D/1993 F2 (Shoemaker-Levy 9). He obtained some of the best ground-based images of the impact plumes and scars in July 1994. His contributions were condensed into his doctoral thesis at Uppsala University in June 1995. (M 25444) _ _.

Avastatud: 20-9-1976 Avastamiskoht: Kvistaberg Avastajad: Lagerkvist, C.-I., Rickman, H.

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