
(1971 QR1 )
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30.8.1971 00:00 Nauchnyj 34e1 44n32 observations 1

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Named in honor of Tamara Mikhajlovna Smirnova (1935–2001), devoted observer of minor planets and a staff member of the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy from 1966 to 1988. During her long-lasting activity she made about 9,000 observations and measured numerous positions of minor planets at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. She discovered over one hundred minor planets and a comet, this object being her hundredth discovery. (M 24917) _ _.

Avastatud: 30-8-1971 Avastamiskoht: Nauchnyj Avastajad: Smirnova, T. M.

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Kategooriad: Slaavi perekonnanimed,