
(1989 YN )
NOW @ 26 SCO 1

Discovery Chart

27.12.1989 00:00 Yatsugatake 138e22 35n53 observations 1

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Named in honor of Yoshio Fujita, professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo, known for his pioneering work on the spectra of late-type stars, in particular of cool, carbon stars, with his determination of the carbon isotope ratio. He served as president of the Astronomical Society of Japan during 1961–1963 and as president of IAU Commission 29 during 1970–1973. He has been a member of the Japan Academy since 1965 and of the Société Royale des Sciences de Liège since 1969. (M 21611) _ _.

Avastatud: 27-12-1989 Avastamiskoht: Yatsugatake Avastajad: Kushida, Y., Muramatsu, O.

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Kategooriad: Jaapan,