
(1979 OB )
NOW @ 17 VIR 28

Discovery Chart

26.7.1979 00:00 Anderson Mesa 111w32 35n5 observations 1

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Named in memory of Fabio Migliorini (1971-1997), a young researcher tragically killed in a mountain accident. Migliorini obtained important results relating to both dynamical and physical studies of minor planets. In particular, he investigated the various processes in the main belt responsible for replenishing the NEA population and was the first to point out the importance of Mars-crossing objects. He also made essential contributions to the physical study of minor planet families (among which are reconstruction of ejection velocity fields and assessment of the number of family interlopers). Name suggested by A. Cellino, D. Davis, M. Di Martino, P. Farinella, V. Zappalà and endorsed by many colleagues and friends in the research community on minor planets.

Avastatud: 26-7-1979 Avastamiskoht: Anderson Mesa Avastajad: Bowell, E.

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Kategooriad: Lääne perekonnanimed,