
(1993 OM7 )
NOW @ 7 VIR 5

Discovery Chart

20.7.1993 00:00 La Silla 70w44 29s15 observations 1

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Huitzilopochtli is an Aztec god associated with the sun. His name, meaning “hummingbird of the south” came from the Aztec belief that the spirits of killed warriors followed the sun through the sky during four subsequent years. Thereafter they were transformed into hummingbirds.

Avastatud: 20-7-1993 Avastamiskoht: La Silla Avastajad: Elst, E. W.

ORBITS | AstDys | Wikipedia | Dictionary | UrbanDictionary | Bartleby | Webster | Name Source |
Kategooriad: Amor,