
(1988 PR1 )
NOW @ 16 LEO 17

Discovery Chart

14.8.1988 00:00 Haute Provence 5e43 43n56 observations 1

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Named for Jacob Jordaens (1593–1678) on the 400th anniversary of his birth. This famous Flemish painter of Antwerp was a pupil of Adam van Noort and a contemporary of P. P. Rubens. His paintings were inspired by family life and popular situations, like the joy of daily life in the villages. His well-known painting “So als de ouden songhen so pijpen de jonghen” is typically nationalistic and representative of the revival of Flemish art, putting it on an equal level with more internationalistic tendencies. (M 21610) _ _.

Avastatud: 14-8-1988 Avastamiskoht: Haute Provence Avastajad: Elst, E. W.

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Kategooriad: Lääne perekonnanimed,