
(A923 RH )
NOW @ 11 GEM 35

Discovery Chart

13.9.1923 00:00 Heidelberg 8e43 49n24 observations 1

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Named in memory of Ernst Zinner (1886–1970), assistant astronomer (1910–1914) and director (1926–1953) of the Remeis-Sternwarte, Bamberg. In addition to his observational work on variable stars, Zinner was the first professor of astronomy to investigate the history of astronomy in the Middle Ages quantitatively. Giacobini’s {see planet  (1756)} comet 1900 I was rediscovered by Zinner in October 1913 and is now known as P/Giacobini-Zinner, parent of the Draconid meteors. (M 22502) _ _.

Avastatud: 13-9-1923 Avastamiskoht: Heidelberg Avastajad: Reinmuth, K.

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Kategooriad: Lääne perekonnanimed,