
(1967 CC )
NOW @ 19 VIR 7

Discovery Chart

8.2.1967 00:00 Nauchnyj 34e1 44n32 observations 1

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Named in honor of Valerij Ivanovich Valyaev (1944– ), noted scientist in the field of ephemeris astronomy, head of the Ephemeris Astronomy Department of the ITA {see planet  (1735)} and editor-in-chief of Morskoj Astronomicheskij Ezhegodnik and Aviatsionnyj Astronomicheskij Ezhegodnik. (M 24410) _ _.

Avastatud: 8-2-1967 Avastamiskoht: Nauchnyj Avastajad: Smirnova, T. M.

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Kategooriad: Slaavi perekonnanimed,