
(1981 WG9 )
NOW @ 28 SCO 2

Discovery Chart

16.11.1981 00:00 Bickley 116e8 32s1 observations 1

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Named in honor of Carmel Maria Borg (nee Materazzo), secretary at the Perth Observatory and administrative assistant to three directors over 17 years. Her devotion to observatory projects, attention to detail and public-relations skills have seen the Perth Observatory through some turbulent times and played a large part in the successful interaction the observatory enjoys with the local community. She has also played a major role in preserving many of the observatory's historical documents and artifacts. Name suggested and citation provided by J. Biggs and P. Birch

Avastatud: 16-11-1981 Avastamiskoht: Bickley Avastajad: Jekabsons, P.

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Kategooriad: Eesnimed,