
(1981 EU35 )
NOW @ 19 LEO 13

Discovery Chart

2.3.1981 00:00 Siding Spring 149e3 31s16 observations 1

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Named in honor of Douglas B. Nash of the San Juan Capistrano Research Institute, California, in recognition of his many contributions to the understanding of the compositions and processes affecting solar system bodies. Nash has achieved these advances by innovation and persistence in designing, executing and applying the results of laboratory investigations. His work on the spectral reflectances of lunar samples, meteorites, rock and mineral samples, and frozen gases has allowed comparison with and interpretation of telescopic data. His investigations of luminescence, ultraviolet irradiation, sputtering by a variety of ion species, and evaporation have led to the identification of new “space weathering” processes and a better understanding of the surfaces of the moon and the Galilean satellites of Jupiter. (M 18453) _ _.

Avastatud: 2-3-1981 Avastamiskoht: Siding Spring Avastajad: Bus, S. J.

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Kategooriad: Lääne perekonnanimed,