
(1977 RC )
NOW @ 14 SCO 1

Discovery Chart

5.9.1977 00:00 La Silla 70w44 29s15 observations 1

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This Pallas-type object was the first to be discovered during the 1977 survey of High-Inclination Minor Planets jointly conducted by the Astronomi-sches Rechen-Institut and the European Southern Observatory. The name, consisting of the acronyms of the two institutions involved, was suggested by the astronomers involved, L. D. Schmadel, J. Schubart, H.-E. Schuster and R. M. West {see planets  (2234),  (1911),  (2018), and  (2022), respectively}. (M 11642) _ _.

Avastatud: 5-9-1977 Avastamiskoht: La Silla Avastajad: Schuster, H.-E.

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Kategooriad: Astronoomia organisatsioonid,