
(1995 DS1 )
NOW @ 26 CAN 34

Discovery Chart

22.2.1995 00:00 Zelenchukskaya Stn 24e45 59n26 observations 1

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Ivan Vasil'evich Danilov (1952-1998) was an outstanding Russian expert on bell-ringing known for his concerts in throughout Russia, Alaska, Scandinavia and Central Europe. He revived bell-ringing in the Museum of Wooden Architecture near Arkhangelsk and in the cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow.

Avastatud: 22-2-1995 Avastamiskoht: Zelenchukskaya Stn Avastajad: Kryachko, T. V.

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Kategooriad: Reaalsed isikud,