Named for Baroness Bettina von Rothschild of the Austrian plutocratic family. In Observatory, Vol. 8, p. 63
(1885) the following information is published: “Herr Palisa, being desirous to raise funds for his intended expedition to observe the total solar eclipse of Aug. 29, 1886 will sell the right of naming the minor planet No. 244 for 50 pounds.” The bright idea seems to have struck Palisa, who had already discovered many planets and begun to find difficulties in assigning suitable names, that he might turn his difficulty into a source of profit in a good cause. The offer was not responded to immediately, nor until Palisa had discovered two more planets (Nos.
(248) and
(250)). He found names for two, leaving, however, the last discovered always open for a patron. A note in Observatory, Vol. 9, p. 142
(1886) informs: “Minor planet No. 250 has been named “Bettina” by Baron Albert von Rothschild.” (H 30) _ _.