Andres Bello

(1974 FE )
NOW @ 8 AQU 30

Discovery Chart

22.3.1974 00:00 Cerro El Roble 71w1 32s59 observations 1

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Named for Andrés Bello, Venezuelan intellectual, first rector of the University of Chile, who helped establish the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional in Santiago in 1852. Bello persuaded the Chilean government to purchase the equipment brought to Chile by a U.S. Naval Observatory team headed by J. M. Gillis. This homage is made in 1981 to commemorate the bicentennial of Bello’s birth. (M 6531) _ _.

Avastatud: 22-3-1974 Avastamiskoht: Cerro El Roble Avastajad: Torres, C.

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