
(6551 P-L )
NOW @ 10 CAN 36

Discovery Chart

24.9.1960 00:00 Palomar 116w51 33n21 observations 1

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Named in honor of Bernard M. Oliver {1916–1995}, retired Vice President for Research and Development of the Hewlett-Packard Company, where he was an innovator in the field of electronic instrumentation. He has made major contributions toward the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy, and sky surveying with charge-coupled devices. (M 8541) _ _.

Avastatud: 24-9-1960 Avastamiskoht: Palomar Avastajad: van Houten, C. J., van Houten-Groeneveld, I., Gehrels, T.

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Kategooriad: Eesnimed, Lääne perekonnanimed,