
(1995 PG )
NOW @ 18 TAU 40

Discovery Chart

5.8.1995 00:00 Ondrejov 14e47 49n55 observations 1

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Dagmar Pecková (1961– ) is an outstanding Czech mezzo-soprano. In addition to her successful operatic career, which includes prominent roles in the works of Mozart and Rossini {see planets  (1034) and  (8184), respectively}, she is renowned for concert performances, especially of the songs by Mahler {see planet  (4406)}. Her interpretation is characterized by exceptional emotional charge. (M 42366) _ _.

Avastatud: 5-8-1995 Avastamiskoht: Ondrejov Avastajad: Sarounova, L.

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Kategooriad: Slaavi perekonnanimed,