
(1976 YF3 )
NOW @ 8 CAP 8

Discovery Chart

16.12.1976 00:00 Nauchnyj 34e1 44n32 observations 1

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The oldest Russian theater, Maly Theatre in Moscow, also known as Ostrovsky's house and “The Second Moscow University”, celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2006. The theater became famous due to the great actors M. Schepkin, P. Mochalov, A. Lensky, G. Fedotova, M. Ermolova, V. Pashennaya, M. Tsarev and many others.

Avastatud: 16-12-1976 Avastamiskoht: Nauchnyj Avastajad: Chernykh, L. I.

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Kategooriad: Noteworthy 2,