
(1171 T-1 )
NOW @ 20 ARI 33

Discovery Chart

25.3.1971 00:00 Palomar 116w51 33n21 observations 1

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Named in memory of the German pioneer of space flight Hermann J. Oberth (1894–11989). In his 1923 work entitled Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen, Oberth gave a thorough discussion of many phases of rocket travel, including the launching of payloads into earth orbit and the abnormal effects of pressure on the human body. (M 34351) _ _.

Avastatud: 25-3-1971 Avastamiskoht: Palomar Avastajad: van Houten, C. J., van Houten-Groeneveld, I., Gehrels, T.

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Kategooriad: Western Family Names,