
(1991 RH41 )
NOW @ 17 CAP 50

Discovery Chart

10.9.1991 00:00 Tautenburg 11e43 50n59 observations 1

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Named for the German poet Friedrich Hölderlin (1770–1843), who lived mainly in the Swabian town Tübingen {see planet  (1481)}. In 1795, he studied in Jena {see planet  (526)} and there wrote some of his patriotic hymns. He is one of the most original and well-known representatives of German idealism. His philosophy and vision shaped much of the poetry of the German language and were not fully appreciated until the twentieth century. (M 33795) _ _.

Avastatud: 10-9-1991 Avastamiskoht: Tautenburg Avastajad: Borngen, F.

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Kategooriad: Western Family Names, Western Family Names,