
(1996 BG )
NOW @ 23 AQU 38

Discovery Chart

16.1.1996 00:00 Klet 14e17 48n53 observations 1

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Named for Jára Cimrman, a fictitious Czech genius. An analogue to Leonardo da Vinci {see planet  (3000)}, he was a playwright, composer, poet, painter, versatile scientist, inventor, polar explorer, sportsman, first man on the moon, etc. Although his name is not mentioned in any encyclopedia, his work is explored at the Jára Cimrman Theatre in Prague. This theater is headed by the famous cimrmanologists Z. Svěrák and L. Smoljak, who endorsed the name proposal. (M 31298) _ _.

Avastatud: 16-1-1996 Avastamiskoht: Klet Avastajad: Moravec, Z.

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Kategooriad: Legendary persons,