
(1989 HG )
NOW @ 25 GEM 21

Discovery Chart

30.4.1989 00:00 Palomar 116w51 33n21 observations 1

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Named in memory of John Holliman (1948–1998), a national correspondent for CNN, the U.S. Cable News Network. Holliman reported extensively on the role of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in space exploration. Specifically, he served as the network’s lead reporter for the Pathfinder mission to Mars, anchoring CNN’s continous coverage of the landing and mission as the spacecraft beamed live video of the planet’s surface. Holliman possessed a special ability to make the complex and complicated process of space exploration understandable and accessible to his viewers. (M 32788) _ _.

Avastatud: 30-4-1989 Avastamiskoht: Palomar Avastajad: Helin, E. F.

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Kategooriad: Western Family Names,