
(1989 GF4 )
NOW @ 9 CAN 25

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3.4.1989 00:00 La Silla 70w44 29s15 observations 1

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Named in memory of the well-known Flemish philosopher Leo Apostel (1925–1995). He was a pupil of Chaim Perelman (Brussels), Jean Piaget (Geneva) and Rudolf Carnap (Chicago). In 1956–57 he joined the universities of Brussels and Ghent, teaching logic and epistemology there for many years. In 1990 he established the independent interdisciplinary investigation center, Worldviews, in which the discoverer has been asked to guide the group “cosmology”. (M 27129) _ _.

Avastatud: 3-4-1989 Avastamiskoht: La Silla Avastajad: Elst, E. W.

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