
(1973 SK1 )
NOW @ 26 LEO 47

Discovery Chart

19.9.1973 00:00 Palomar 116w51 33n21 observations 1

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Named for the Greek lyric poet Pindarus (c. 520–446 B.C.), long the mainstay of Greek poetry. He lived in Greece and Sicily and united the Greek people with his poems and tragic and victory songs during festivals. He had great influence on the work of the German poet Friedrich Hölderlin {see planet  (9189)}. (M 26764) _ _.

Avastatud: 19-9-1973 Avastamiskoht: Palomar Avastajad: van Houten, C. J., van Houten-Groeneveld, I., Gehrels, T.

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Kategooriad: Hilda, Historical persons,