Kliment Ohridski

(1987 SV2 )
NOW @ 24 LEO 58

Discovery Chart

20.9.1987 00:00 Smolyan 24e43 41n39 observations 1

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Named in memory of Kliment Ohridski (840–916), one of the first Bulgarian philosophers {of Macedonian origin}. A disciple of Konstantin, he took holy orders in Rome in 868. A pupil and collaborator of Kyril and Methodius, he established a school where he taught some 3,500 students the Bulgarian alphabet and contributed to development of the Bulgarian language. This minor planet, named on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the University of Sofia, of which he is considered the patron, is testament to Ohridski’s influence on Bulgarian science and culture. (M 14208) _ _.

Avastatud: 20-9-1987 Avastamiskoht: Smolyan Avastajad: Elst, E. W.

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Kategooriad: Real persons, Historical persons,