
(1986 AL )
NOW @ 24 TAU 3

Discovery Chart

14.1.1986 00:00 Karasuyama 24e45 59n26 observations 1

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Named for Minamoto Yoritomo (1147–1199), the first shogun and founder of the Japanese feudal system. In his boyhood, Yoritomo was confined under the Heike’s surveillance for 20 years in a place of exile near the residence of the second discoverer of this asteroid. Yoritomo destroyed the Heike with his brother’s {Yoshitsune, see planet  (3178)} help and became the first supreme commander of Japan in 1192, marking the beginning of the Kamakura era. (M 19693) _ _.

Avastatud: 14-1-1986 Avastamiskoht: Karasuyama Avastajad: Inoda, S., Urata, T.

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Kategooriad: Historical persons,