
(1934 CY )
NOW @ 3 GEM 1

Discovery Chart

4.2.1934 00:00 Heidelberg 8e43 49n24 observations 1

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Named in memory of Fritz Hinderer (1912–1991), German astronomer at the Potsdam and Babelsberg Observatories and professor at the Berlin Free University. For many years, Hinderer was engaged in the study of irregular variables, as well as W UMa stars. By means of more than 850 plates taken at the Babelsberg Observatory, he thoroughly investigated the spectrophotometric behavior of SS Cyg. After World War II, Hinderer served solely as an academic teacher of astronomy in West Berlin. (M 22497) _ _.

Avastatud: 4-2-1934 Avastamiskoht: Heidelberg Avastajad: Reinmuth, K.

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Kategooriad: Western Family Names,