Andrea Doria

(1977 TY )
NOW @ 12 LEO 45

Discovery Chart

12.10.1977 00:00 Zimmerwald 7e28 46n53 observations 1

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Named for the head of the Genoan family prominent in Schiller’s {see planet  (3079)} tragedy Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua. In combination with (2176) Donar, the name suggests the repeated curse of Giannettino Doria (nephew of Andrea) against the Republican conspirators; “Donner und Doria” is now used as an exclamation of dismay. (M 8151) _ _.

Avastatud: 12-10-1977 Avastamiskoht: Zimmerwald Avastajad: Wild, P.

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Kategooriad: Real persons, Legendary persons,