
(1978 WK )
NOW @ 10 VIR 2

Discovery Chart

19.11.1978 00:00 Zimmerwald 7e28 46n53 observations 1

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Named for the great Carthaginian general who, on his way to Rome in 217 B.C., crossed the Alps with his army, including some elephants to frighten the enemy. For the Swiss, WK is the abbreviation for “Wiederholungskurs”, the yearly repetition of military exercises, and the 1978 WK for a colleague of the discoverer consisted of a large Alpine maneuver called Hannibal. (M 8151) _ _.

Avastatud: 19-11-1978 Avastamiskoht: Zimmerwald Avastajad: Wild, P.

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Kategooriad: Historical persons,